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The editors at Horizon Post know just how important your time is. While our daily bytes are designed to be short and digestible, it’s our mission to make sure you are well-informed on today’s hottest issues.

Each week you’ll find a more in-depth report on a hot-button issue impacting your freedoms and liberties. These broader perspectives meet and exceed our quality standards – unbiased, objective, and factual news designed to give you the information you need to walk away educated on today’s most pressing issues.

Kansas AG Reveals School Districts Transitioning Children Without Parental Approval

(HorizonPost.com) - Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach last Thursday announced that some school districts in the state were still permitting teachers and staff to let...

Egyptian TV Star Condemns Hamas and Its Role

(HorizonPost.com) - An Egyptian television personality criticized Hamas and said the terrorist group’s hands were “covered in the blood of Egypt,” the Jerusalem Post...

Unbelievable Events Unfold in Baltimore School System

(HorizonPost.com) - The state of Maryland permitted a convicted juvenile rapist to attend public school in Baltimore, Fox 45 in Baltimore reported. A Baltimore mother informed...

Pennsylvania Special State House Race Draws Democratic Support

(HorizonPost.com) - The Democrat running in a Pennsylvania state House special election got a boost this week when the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee announced that...

Son Believes Mother Finally Gets Justice in Nitrogen Execution

(HorizonPost.com) - The first execution by nitrogen hypoxia was carried out last Thursday in Alabama when the state executed Kenneth Eugene Smith at the...

Governor Whitmer Pushes for Candid Abortion Dialogue

(HorizonPost.com) - Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the co-chair of President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, last weekend urged the president to defend abortion more forcefully, saying...

Exploring the Reasons Behind the Free Beacon’s Search for Gallego’s Divorce Records

(HorizonPost.com) - In an editorial last Thursday, the Washington Free Beacon revealed that it had filed a motion in Yavapai County, Arizona to have...

World Leaders Gather to Discuss Disease X

(HorizonPost.com) - One of the sessions scheduled for this year’s annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland will tackle Disease X, Fortune reported. According to the...

Name Omission Leads to Disqualification of Ohio Transgender Candidate

(HorizonPost.com) - A transgender candidate in Ohio was disqualified from running for the state House due to a decades-old law, WCMH reported. Vanessa Joy, a man...

North Carolina Woman Collapses After $1M Powerball Win

(HorizonPost.com) - During the broadcast “Dick Clark’s New Years Rockin’ Eve,” the first Powerball millionaire of 2024 was announced by host Ryan Seacrest. North...

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