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The editors at Horizon Post know just how important your time is. While our daily bytes are designed to be short and digestible, it’s our mission to make sure you are well-informed on today’s hottest issues.

Each week you’ll find a more in-depth report on a hot-button issue impacting your freedoms and liberties. These broader perspectives meet and exceed our quality standards – unbiased, objective, and factual news designed to give you the information you need to walk away educated on today’s most pressing issues.

Nearly Four Years In, Public School Enrollment Still Falters

(HorizonPost.com) - Enrollment in public schools has continued to drop over three years after the pandemic as families continue to seek alternative options like private...

Consciously Consuming News and Vetting for Disinformation

(HorizonPost.com) - In late November, the tech website Wired provided four tips to help spot misinformation online. According to Wired, online news consumers should make...

Kari Lake’s Efforts To Soften MAGA Image

(HorizonPost.com) - Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake is hoping to woo the moderate Republicans she attacked during her 2022 gubernatorial race but so far, the...

Former CENTCOM Commander Urges Preparedness Against Iran

(HorizonPost.com) - The Biden administration on Tuesday announced that it launched an international task force on maritime security to address the Houthis’ attacks on commercial...

Watch Taylor Swift Handle Boos at Chiefs Game

(HorizonPost.com) - Page Six reported that NFL fans at the New England Patriots’ Gillette Stadium booed singer Taylor Swift when she appeared on the large...

Worst Landlord’ Faces Scrutiny Over Deplorable Apartment Conditions in NYC

(HorizonPost.com) - Public Advocate Jumaane Williams on Wednesday released the report of New York City’s worst landlords of 2023 which shows that infamous slumlord...

DEI Education Considered an Alternative for Canadian Doctors

(HorizonPost.com) - Canada’s Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons is proposing to teach medical students more about social justice than “medical expertise,” alarming some academics...

DoorDash Checkout Tips Removed For NYC Residents

(HorizonPost.com) - In a recent announcement, DoorDash revealed that it will change its tipping policy in select markets, starting with New York City. Previously, customers...

China Upset By US Navy

(HorizonPost.com) - China on Monday accused a US Navy ship of illegally entering the waters adjacent to the Second Thomas Shoal, a disputed atoll in...

Family Upset as Mom Charges $200 for Christmas Feast

(HorizonPost.com) - A UK woman with a history of being fodder for the British tabloids once again made news last week, this time over her...

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