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The editors at Horizon Post know just how important your time is. While our daily bytes are designed to be short and digestible, it’s our mission to make sure you are well-informed on today’s hottest issues.

Each week you’ll find a more in-depth report on a hot-button issue impacting your freedoms and liberties. These broader perspectives meet and exceed our quality standards – unbiased, objective, and factual news designed to give you the information you need to walk away educated on today’s most pressing issues.

GOP Briefed On Biden Impeachment Inquiry

(HorizonPost.com) - Last week, the chairmen of the three House committees leading the impeachment inquiry into President Biden briefed their Republican colleagues in both...

Putin And Saudi Prince Prepare Oil Cutback

(HorizonPost.com) - The Kremlin reported on Wednesday that a telephonic conversation occurred between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman....

Cuba Uncovers Human Trafficking Ring Aimed To Increase Russia’s Troops

(HorizonPost.com) - As the summer season of 2023 in America draws to a close and fall weather nears the corner, the political climate in...

DeSantis Declines Millions In IRA Money

(HorizonPost.com) - It was reported last week that Florida rejected approximately $350 million in green energy "incentives" from the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation...

5000+ Emails Uncovered From Biden’s Time As VP

(HorizonPost.com) - Officials from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) have found more than 5,000 records containing the pseudonyms Joe Biden used during...

Court Terminates Parental Rights In Landmark Decision

(HorizonPost.com) - Last week, a Maryland District Court judge refused to grant a temporary injunction allowing parents to opt their children out of LGBT-related...

Watchdog Group Issues Rebuttal To House GOP

(HorizonPost.com) - The so-called hate speech watchdog the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) last week responded to a request for information from House...

Former Trump Attorney Mocked For Calling On God

(HorizonPost.com) - Among the 19 defendants named in the Fulton County fraud and racketeering indictment against Donald Trump and his allies is former Trump...

Billions Of Tax Dollars Left Unused Despite Growing Need

(HorizonPost.com) - Despite billions in federal subsidies available to help low-income households pay their energy bills, only a fraction of qualified Americans are receiving...

Insider Claims Trump Had 2020 Military Overthrow Plot

(HorizonPost.com) - The former senior counsel to Trump's DHS Secretary John Kelly last week noted what he believes is the most jarring revelation from...

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