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The editors at Horizon Post know just how important your time is. While our daily bytes are designed to be short and digestible, it’s our mission to make sure you are well-informed on today’s hottest issues.

Each week you’ll find a more in-depth report on a hot-button issue impacting your freedoms and liberties. These broader perspectives meet and exceed our quality standards – unbiased, objective, and factual news designed to give you the information you need to walk away educated on today’s most pressing issues.

Pregnant Teacher Found Dead at School

(HorizonPost.com) - A Rochester, New York-area special education teacher collapsed in her classroom and later died just weeks before she was due to give birth...

New Requirements for Nashville Police Officers

(HorizonPost.com) - Over the last two years, the Metropolitan-Nashville Police Department has made several adjustments to recruitment as part of an effort to reach its...

Warning Issued As Renters Are Scammed Into Squatting

(HorizonPost.com) - People looking to buy or rent a home should be on the lookout for scams that could inadvertently turn them into squatters, a...

UNSC Ceasefire Resolution Bolsters Hamas’s Position

(HorizonPost.com) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday announced that he would not be sending an Israeli delegation to Washington now that the United States...

GOP Heavyweight Hal Lambert Paints Biden’s Radio City Fundraiser as Troubling Signal

(HorizonPost.com) - President Biden’s reelection campaign raked in over $26 million last Thursday at a star-studded fundraiser in Manhattan featuring former presidents Bill Clinton and...

Oregon Governor Recriminalizes Drug Possession

(HorizonPost.com) - Oregon Governor Tina Kotek on Monday signed legislation that will re-criminalize the possession of drugs for personal use, ending the state’s experiment in...

French President Reacts to Diver’s Comical Fall

(HorizonPost.com) - Olympic diver Alexis Jandard suffered a scraped back and bruised ego after he slipped on the diving board in front of a group...

Climate Change Debate Sparks On ‘The View’

(HorizonPost.com) - Monday’s solar eclipse coupled with the surprising 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New York and New Jersey last Friday and the anticipated arrival of...

Kennedy Staffer Fired Over Anti-Biden Video

(HorizonPost.com) - The Kennedy campaign announced last week that a New York staffer was fired after she was caught on video encouraging New York Republicans...

Biden’s Alarming Comment On His Niece’s Role Resurfaces

(HorizonPost.com) - In a “flashback” post on Tuesday, Fox News Digital revisited comments Joe Biden made in 2011 in which he said “a rising China”...

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