RFK Jr. Claims Opponents Want To Silence Him

(HorizonPost.com) – In his opening statement before the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy again defended himself against claims that he is anti-Semitic, The Hill reported.

Calling the accusation “appalling, disgusting pejoratives,” Kennedy asserted that there was “no evidence” that he is anti-Semitic and alleged that the claims are being used to silence him.

The New York Post recently reported that Kennedy suggested that COVID may have been a bioweapon designed to disproportionately attack “certain races.” 

In a video posted by the outlet, Kennedy said governments have been developing biological weapons containing “ethnically targeted microbes” designed to attack specific racial groups. He pointed out that the COVID virus “disproportionately” attacks black and white people while the Ashkenazi Jews and the Chinese are “most immune.”

However, Kennedy conceded that it is not known whether this was done deliberately.

After his remarks set off a firestorm of accusations that he is anti-Semitic, Kennedy defended himself in a Twitter thread, asserting that he wasn’t suggesting that the virus “was targeted to spare Jews,” and said he wasn’t implying that this “was deliberately engineered” nor does he believe that.

During last week’s hearing, Kennedy said he has never uttered a racist or anti-Semitic phrase and has long been an advocate for Israel.

He claimed that he is “being censored” through “smears,” “misinterpretations,” and lies “through association.”

The Democrat candidate argued that censorship will not end the political divide. Instead, it “only aggravates and amplifies the problem.” He said if anyone believes what he said was anti-Semitic, “let’s talk about the details.” Kennedy added that he would “denounce anybody” using his words to “imply something that is negative” about Jewish people.

Following Kennedy’s opening statement, Florida Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz motioned to move to executive session, arguing that his comments violated the rules against evidence or testimony that defames, incriminates, or degrades any person.

Her motion was tabled and the hearing continued.

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