DeSantis Suggests He Would Not Accept a VP Position

( – In an interview last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis once again dismissed the idea of becoming Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024 if the former president wins the nomination.

While appearing with Outkick’s Clay Travis last Wednesday, the popular Florida Republican was asked if he would accept if Trump offered him the vice presidency.

DeSantis noted that he is running to defeat Joe Biden, arguing that he reflects the “values of our voters” and has already shown in Florida that he can “deliver.”

Saying that being Trump’s “number two” does not appeal to him, DeSantis added that he is unlikely to be “good at it” since he is “probably more valuable” if he is “doing other things.”

Given Trump’s track record for turning on the people he appoints, it might be difficult for the former president to find a qualified, talented person to accept an offer to run on the ticket should he win the nomination. And according to DeSantis, some of the other 2024 candidates likely launched their campaigns solely in hopes of being offered Veep, a Cabinet position, or even a cable news contributorship.

DeSantis told Travis that while some candidates may only be running to secure a position in a Republican administration, he is not. He said he isn’t looking to be vice president or a cabinet secretary, nor does he want a contributorship on cable news. Instead, he is “running to win, and that’s the only reason I’m running.”

This isn’t the first time DeSantis has dismissed the VP talk.

In an interview on “Eric Bolling: The Balance” in March, DeSantis described himself as “more of an executive guy” who wants to be able to get things done. He told Bolling that part of the reason he pursued the governor’s office was to take action and “make things happen.”

In July, DeSantis told the podcast Wisconsin Right Now that he wouldn’t want to be Trump’s running mate because he isn’t a “Number Two guy.” He pointed out that as governor he has “accomplished a lot.” He said he could be more effective remaining as the governor of Florida than becoming vice president, saying the vice presidency “doesn’t really have any authority.”

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