Remains Of Top Crypto Influencer Found In Suitcase

( – The Argentinian crypto investor whose dismembered body was found in a suitcase reportedly received threatening messages the week before he was murdered, the New York Post reported.

After he was reported missing on July 18, Fernando Pérez Algaba’s dismembered body was discovered in a suitcase several days later by a group of children playing near a stream in the town of Ingeniero Budge near Buenas Aires.

The parents contacted the police in Buenas Aires who later found his legs and one forearm in the suitcase. A second arm was discovered in the stream.

Algaba’s torso and head were found last Wednesday, El País reported.

Police identified the millionaire businessman from his fingerprints and also from his unique tattoos.

According to the Post, Algaba received phone messages from a man identified only as Iglesias. In one message, the man threatened to “gouge out” his eyes, cut off his hands, and kill him.

Iglesias swore on his children that he had “no problem going to jail,” according to the Argentinian outlet Télam.

The man also claimed that Algaba owed his son $70,000. In one of his voicemail messages, Iglesias warned the crypto millionaire that the two of them would “see each other face to face.”

The autopsy found that Algaba was shot three times before being dismembered. Local media reported that his parts were dismembered cleanly, suggesting it was done by a professional.

Algaba, who lived in Barcelona, made his millions by renting luxury vehicles and selling cryptocurrency.

The businessman reportedly had “irrecoverable” debts with the Argentinian tax authority and also owed $40,000 to a local notorious gang.

He had been renting an apartment in Argentina for a week last month when he failed to return the keys to the property owner and could not be reached by phone.

Police have arrested a suspect in connection with the murder. While the motive remains unclear, police suspect that Algaba was murdered over his numerous debts.

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