Trump Throws Weight Behind Jordan’s Speaker Bid

( – On Friday, Donald Trump endorsed Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan to replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, the Associated Press reported.

In a post on Truth Social shortly after midnight, Trump described Jordan as a “STAR” and said the Judiciary Committee Chairman had his “Complete & Total Endorsement.”

As it turns out, however, a post on Truth Social was not the way Donald Trump wanted to announce his endorsement of Jordan.

According to an exclusive report in The Messenger, Trump had planned to steal the spotlight by carefully staging the endorsement in Washington D.C. only to have his plans changed after Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls let the cat out of the bag last Thursday night.

Sources told The Messenger that after McCarthy was ousted last Tuesday, Trump toyed with the idea of making a high-profile trip to Washington D.C. to get the media buzzing about the possibility that Trump himself planned to run for speaker. Then, while in Washington, Trump would deliver a headline-grabbing public endorsement of Jim Jordan.

The sources said Trump outlined his headline-stealing plan in phone calls to Republican lawmakers last Wednesday night and instructed each of them to stay quiet about it.

Only Troy Nehls either wasn’t told to keep quiet or chose to ignore it, because last Thursday night, Nehls spilled the beans.

In a post on X about three hours before Trump made his hurried endorsement on Truth Social, Nehls revealed that he spoke with the former president and that Trump “is endorsing Jim Jordan.”

At the moment Nehls posted his spoiler, a reporter from The Messenger was interviewing a Trump advisor about Trump’s plans. The advisor told the reporter that Rep. Nehls “just totally f*cked this up.”

With Nehls having let the cat out of the bag, Trump’s planned trip to Washington was scrapped.

Another Trump advisor told The Messenger that the headline-grabbing former POTUS was “pretty annoyed with Nehls” for stealing his thunder.

An unnamed Republican Rep. confirmed that Trump was “pissed” with Nehls and told The Messenger that the Texas congressman “has all the patience of a dog waiting to be let out of the car.”

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