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The editors at Horizon Post know just how important your time is. While our daily bytes are designed to be short and digestible, it’s our mission to make sure you are well-informed on today’s hottest issues.

Each week you’ll find a more in-depth report on a hot-button issue impacting your freedoms and liberties. These broader perspectives meet and exceed our quality standards – unbiased, objective, and factual news designed to give you the information you need to walk away educated on today’s most pressing issues.

Black Lives Matter Could Be Responsible For Protest Injuries

(HorizonPost.com) - Earlier this month, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a lawsuit brought against protest organizer DeRay McKesson by a Louisiana...

Americans Are Sitting On $20 Billion In Unclaimed Property

(HorizonPost.com) - In a report last week, ABC's "Good Morning America" revealed that over $20 billion in unclaimed property is waiting to be reclaimed...

Man Uses Baseball Bat As Weapon After Catching Unfaithful Wife

(HorizonPost.com) - A man in Palm Beach County, Florida was arrested last month for allegedly beating a man with a baseball bat after discovering...

High Temperatures Linked To Vision Problems

(HorizonPost.com) - A new study suggests that older Americans living in warmer regions of the country are more likely to suffer from vision impairment...

Congressman Says Aliens Can Kill Us All

(HorizonPost.com) - House Oversight Committee member Tim Burchett (R-TN) was once again banging the drum about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), especially the technological capabilities...

Kayleigh McEnany Breaks With Donald Trump

(HorizonPost.com) - Fox News host Kayleigh McEnany disagrees with her former boss Donald Trump's assertion that the cocaine found in the White House in...

Rudy Giuliani Adviser Says “Permanent Corrupt Regime” Is After Him

(HorizonPost.com) - Last Friday, the committee on the DC Court of Appeals overseeing attorney conduct recommended that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani...

It Looks Like The Media Wants To Dump Joe Biden

(HorizonPost.com) - In another sign that the news media might be turning on Joe Biden, Axios published a report on Monday about Biden's volatile...

Judge Says Drivers License Rule Represents A Danger To People

(HorizonPost.com) - Last week, a judge in Kansas ordered the state to stop permitting transgenders from changing their gender on their driver's licenses, NBC...

Google’s Latest Scraping Push Leads To Data Privacy Lawsuit

(HorizonPost.com) - A class action lawsuit against Google was filed in a San Francisco federal court last Tuesday alleging that the company is misusing...

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